Friday, October 2, 2009

Real Progressives: Dump Democrats!

This is the text of a letter that I will send next Monday to the Democratic National Committee:

Chairman Tim Kaine

Democratic National Committee
430 S. Capitol St. SE
, DC 20003

Dear Chairman Tim Kaine:

I am writing to let you know that because of the recent actions of the Democratic Party, especially its leadership, regarding health care reform and single payer, I have now registered as an independent after years of being registered as a Democrat.

Here is why: The reason we will not get a single payer health plan is because of Democrats--not Republicans. We all know that Republicans cannot be depended upon for a single payer plan. But with a substantial majority in the House, 60 votes in the Senate and the White House being held by Democrats, I would expect that single payer would be passed.

It is clear now more than ever that members of the Democratic Party are charlatans just like the Republican Party. The Democratic Party will tell progressives the things they want to hear during elections (end the wars, ending/reforming NAFTA, respect for human rights, money for education, help the environment, health care for all) only to sucker us into voting for you and once we do vote you into office, you turn your back on us and side with the same corporate interests the Republicans adore.

Well, no more-- at least for me. I will no longer support any Democrat. I will not fall into that falsehood of voting for the "lesser of two evils." Because I see clearly now that the only difference between the Democratic and Republican Party is a difference in rhetoric, not in deeds.

I am just one voter and so you may not care much about what I do, but I will encourage others to stop being taken for granted and search for real progressive parties like the Green party or one of the many socialist parties that actually believe what they say and will not turn their back on their supporters.


END of Letter

I'm also gonna send it to these two people:

Chairman Chris Van Hollen

Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee

430 S Capitol Street, S.E.

Washington, D.C. 20003


Chairman Robert Menendez

The Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee

120 Maryland Avenue, NE

Washington, DC 20002

This is pressure politics I know.

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