Saturday, September 26, 2009

Anti Hate Rally A Success!

I just came back from the Anti Hate rally in Riverside, California. We had over 150+ people at our rally. We later heard that the Nazis had about 12 people. so at our rally alone we had more than 10 times the number of people they had.

That should send a message to the Nazis: We outnumber you and whenever and wherever you protest, we will protest against you.

There was this other rally that confronted the Nazis and according to this report, there were some confrontations which ended with the flags and the signs of the sick, vile, and ignorant Nazis being ripped up and the Nazis themselves "fleeing" from the scene. I wasn't at this one, so I can't say how accurate these reports are:

Confrontation ends Neo-Nazi Protest

I.E. Illegal Immigration Rally Met With Protest

At the rally I was at, we were also told that the next protest they are planning will be in Rialto. Make no mistake, we will be there also!

Thursday, September 24, 2009

Anti Racist Rally in Riverside 9/26

Can't stand racists?
Come to this rally in Riverside on 9/26 at

Time: 10 am
Riverside City Hall
3900 Main St
Riverside, CA 92051
(at Tenth and Main Streets)

Very briefly, what this rally is about:
A Nazi group has scheduled a demonstration against immigrants and so a coalition of groups has scheduled this counter demonstration against hate and scapegoating of immigrants.

See link for more details

Saturday, September 12, 2009

11 years of Injustice

Today is an international day of protest to demand justice and freedom for the Cuban Five.

Protests in various cities across the US and world wide.